El Reiki es una palabra sánscrita que significa 'Rei', energía universal y 'Ki', energía vital. es un modo de desbloquearnos a todos los niveles y recuperar la energía vital gracias a la transferencia de energía de otro ser a través de la imposición de manos. Este pendiente está realizado en oro reciclado de una mujer que sabe bien cómo usar la técnica del reiki. El símbolo que da forma a esta pieza es el cho ku rei, un símbolo que abre el paso al flujo de energía. Una bonita pieza llena de significado.
Reiki is a Sanskrit word that means REI, universal energy and KI, vital energy. It is a way of unblocking ourselves at all levels and recovering vital energy thanks to the transfer of energy from another being through the imposition of hands. This earring is made of recycled gold from a woman who knows well how to use the reiki technique. The symbol that gives shape to this piece is the Cho Ku Rei, a symbol that opens the way to the flow of energy. A beautiful piece full of meaning.
Reiki is a Sanskrit word that means REI, universal energy and KI, vital energy. It is a way of unblocking ourselves at all levels and recovering vital energy thanks to the transfer of energy from another being through the imposition of hands. This earring is made of recycled gold from a woman who knows well how to use the reiki technique. The symbol that gives shape to this piece is the Cho Ku Rei, a symbol that opens the way to the flow of energy. A beautiful piece full of meaning.
- jueves, abril 25, 2019