- sábado, junio 30, 2018
Me encanta poder participar en la alegría del gran día de la boda poniendo todo mi cariño en la elaboración de las alianzas. Alianzas clásicas con un acabado mate para él y brillante para ella ♥
I love being able to participate in the joy of the great day of the wedding putting all my love in the elaboration of the wedding bands. Classic wedding rings with a matte finish for him and bright for her ♥
I love being able to participate in the joy of the great day of the wedding putting all my love in the elaboration of the wedding bands. Classic wedding rings with a matte finish for him and bright for her ♥
- miércoles, junio 20, 2018
Las mariposas empiezan a revolotear alrededor en mis paseos por el monte, y al mismo tiempo empiezan a hacerlo en el taller, mis queridas Papilio dardanus. En este caso es una pulsera mariposa la que está lista para ir volando con su dueña.
The butterflies begin to flutter around in my walks on the mountains, and at the same time they start doing it in the workshop, my lovelies 'Papilio dardanus'. In this case it is a butterfly bracelet that is ready to go flying with its owner.
The butterflies begin to flutter around in my walks on the mountains, and at the same time they start doing it in the workshop, my lovelies 'Papilio dardanus'. In this case it is a butterfly bracelet that is ready to go flying with its owner.
- martes, junio 19, 2018
Tras unos días de descanso ya levamos el ancla, aunque un trocito de ella siempre queda allí, en nuestro paraisín...
After a few days of rest we've already lifted the anchor, although a piece of it will always stay there, in our little paradise...
After a few days of rest we've already lifted the anchor, although a piece of it will always stay there, in our little paradise...
- domingo, junio 10, 2018